Pupil Council

Council Representatives
Wester Hailes High School is proud to introduce the newly elected Pupil Council and Senior Prefect Team for 2023-24.
All Pupils from S1-S6 were given the opportunity to nominate and vote for their Pupil Council representatives during PSE throughout the first week of October.
Collectively, our Pupil Council has a specific responsibility to include and represent the views of Wester Hailes High School’s diverse pupil population as well as leading campaigns to support pupil welfare and well-being.
It is an exciting time to be part of The Pupil Council as work finally commences on our brand-new School build with lots to discuss!
Our Senior Pupils were encouraged to write personal statements for the School Prefect Programme in which two Pupils from our senior cohort would take up a junior leadership role appointed by Mr Young.
Our Prefects who were selected as a result are Ilva Ogste and Ebony McFarlane who are both in S6. Both Pupils will be taking a lead role in The Pupi Council across the school.
If you are interested in finding out more about out Pupil Council please contact Mr Ramsay, Calton Pupil Support Leader.
Have your say...
Have Your Say cards are distributed to all tutor groups in the days leading up to meetings and all pupils have the opportunity to make suggestions which are then taken to the Pupil Council meeting. Whilst the agenda is driven by current school business, there is also a large part of the meeting given over to discussing topics raised through the Have Your Say cards.
A member of the Pupil Council attends the Senior Team meeting on a monthly basis to take forward any issues which have not been resolved by the pupils themselves. Feedback is then provided to all tutor groups.