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S1-S2 Science

All students follow an introductory mixed Science course based on Curriculum for Excellence level 3 outcomes which builds on previous experience from Primary school. It is designed to develop knowledge and understanding, investigative skills, scientific methodology and problem solving abilities through a range of practical tasks. It also focuses on the enhancement of numeracy and literacy skills.

Biology S1-S3

S3 Biology

Biologists are scientists who study the natural world and all living things within it from the largest animals to the smallest of molecules found in bacterial cells. It helps develop an understanding of the impact on living organisms on society and the environment. 


Topics covered:
The good the bad and the ugly! 
Find out about cells including micro-organisms, and their impacts on health, medicine and industries such as food production.

Life on Earth
Find out about the interconnections between living organisms and the factors that influence their growth and survival in a wide range of environments found on earth.

Biology S3

S4 & Senior Course Choices

S4-S6 National 3, 4, 5, and Higher and Advanced Highers courses are offered in Biology and Chemistry.

Useful Websites

Biology Course Choices
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