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Industrial Action 24th November

Grant Kirk

Updated: Nov 25, 2022

Wester Hailes High School will be closed to pupils and staff on Thursday 24th of November. Due to employee rights around industrial action, the City of Edinburgh Council are unable to collate accurate advance information about which teacher colleagues will be striking on Thursday 24th November therefore as most teaching staff are likely to be taking industrial action, Learning and Teaching will be affected for most learners.

1. Children with a device should log on to their Year Group MS Teams at the start of the school day to check if their teacher will be online.

2. If there are no lessons, Contingency Learning Grids are available our Website and on the CEC webpage - this page will continue to be updated.

3. Alternative forms of digital learning, including e-sgoil, are also available on the CEC webpage above.

4. Packs of contingency learning may be available and will have been distributed in advance

Wester Hailes High School will also support identified pupils with a pastoral check-in phone call on the day of the industrial action. Any pupils who require a school meal for Thursday 24th November can be picked up in the canteen on Wednesday 23rd of November.

Parent Pay refunds will be provided to those families who have prepaid lunch on Thursday 24th November, as soon as possible.


D Young


Please see the attached file for details regarding the industrial action next Thursday (24th November 2022)

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